The Great River Roos -- Rally Guidelines
Rally Hosts choose a location & make a group reservation. The campground or area should be large enough for 25 to 35 rigs.
It may be one we camped at before. (The reservation may need to be made
a year in advance.)
The location should have a shelter for meals, covered for Summer and enclosed for Spring
and Fall. It can be in Iowa, Minnesota or Wisconsin.
Electric & water are nice, but not necessary.
(We can dry camp for a weekend.)
Two, Three, or more couples may host a monthly Rally, or you can ask advice from anyone. Everyone is willing to help.
One couple should be the chairman, to act as the contact for those making the reservations
for the Rally. It is up to the campground as to whether campers send in money
in advance, or at the time of the rally. (This varies.)
There are no concrete rules on what to do on weekend Rallies. Here is a sample of what we have done in the past:
evening: We have had some sort of light dinner for everyone, Chili, Hamburgers,
Brats, Soup, Tacos, or just snacks served around a campfire, or whatever,
or nothing.
Saturday: If planning a breakfast, coffee should be plugged in at 7:30AM, as it takes an hour to brew. Should have one pot of regular, one pot of decaf, & hot water in the little pot for those wanting tea
or hot chocolate. There is coffee creamer, sugar & equal to be set out for
those who want it.
There is usually a club meeting planned
around 10:00 AM. (Rally hosts decide schedule.)
Saturday Lunch: This is mostly on your own, depending upon what has been planned.
Saturday Dinner: Can be prepared by the Hosts, out to a restaurant (Hosts must make
reservations), or a potluck, or on your own.
Sunday Morning: Coffee on at 7:30AM. Continental
breakfast is usually served, or can be
potluck. If continental, plan
on 2 rolls per person. Juice should also be provided.
Rally hosts are responsible to put weekend agenda in the newsletter. They also must collect the Rally fee, which is the total expense of all items provided for the weekend. (Coffee, Rolls, & other food & expenses.)
Rally fees are to be figured out by Hosts as a PER PERSON fee charged to each in attendance.
Rally hosts are responsible to write a Rally summary for the newsletter and send it to
the newsletter editor by the next weekend. This will be published in the Bounder
Beacon and Bounder Sounder.
Supplies in the Club’s containers should be kept neat & orderly. Tablecloths should be washed & dried completely before storing.
Hosts for the next Rally are responsible for all containers and supplies for the following Rally. The club does not supply paper plates, napkins, etc. Everyone
should bring their own eating utensils to group meals.
When vendors are involved (Dealers, etc.) you can notify the Wagon Master and he will
help to organize or assist.
These are just guidelines to help you put on a Rally.
We are always open to new ideas. You can plan events according to the
area (like sightseeing trips, plays, games, music, etc.) It is up to you as the
Hosts. Most important: Have Fun
TGRR By-Laws
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